Selasa, 19 Februari 2008

Buying or Addopting a new Cat

There are many factors that should be considered prior to just going out and buying yourself a cat. These factors should not be considered lightly.

Be prepared for a commitment that will last the cat's lifetime. Cats may live as long as 15 or 20 years and prospective cat owners should be prepared to feed, provide shelter, and healthcare for the entire period.

Are you able to afford to take care of a cat? Cats food is not cheap, and often can have unanticipated medical issues and high vet costs.

Do you have the time to care for your cats? Cats need time and attention to be house-trained properly and loved. People who have jobs that involve a great deal of time should consider very carefully their cats. Cause specially kittens, do not adjust well to being by themselves.

If you are living in a flat or an apartment you should make enquiries as to whether your building allows tour cats. Know your residence's guidelines before you get yourself a cat.

Make sure you or no one else in your family or the prospective cats owner has allergies. If you are unsure as whether you or your children are allergic to cats this can easily be done by spending a period of time at the home of a friend with their cats.

You should be able prepared to either spay or neuter your animal. There are far too many cats on the streets and in various animal rescue shelters annually. Spraying or neutering your pet will help allow unwanted animals to find themselves new homes.

Think about older pets, when considering a new cats. They are often easier to train into a home environment as in the most part they will already be housebroken.

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